Niagara Gets "A Game" Treatment Tonite

Athens, GA (March 16, 2007) - Niagara University gets marquee status in its first round NCAA game tonite against Kansas (7:10). The game will be broadcast by Jim Nantz and Billy "There is no basketball outside of the ACC and I hate women's basketball" Packer. Niagara made a big boo-boo in their press release for tonite's game, listing Bob Dekas as the sideline reporter. Deke is the producer and I doubt he will be making a career change this late in life. Watch me be wrong on this one, but it is not likely. So tune in tonite to see the first ever number 16 upset of a number 1 seed!

Today trivia question: What is Billy Packer's real last name and why was Packer chosen to replace it by his father?

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