It was kinda irritating hearing Brent's report that Wisconsin's sensation Trevon Hughes learned his basketball in NYC. If he had done his homework, he would have noticed that Trevon attended St. Johns/Northwestern Military School in Delafield, WI from eighth grade through high school!! No doubt he learned something in NYC, but a simple look at Trevon's bio should have tipped him off.
A Michigan alum
CR, you are going to have to take the Big Ten/Midwest blinders off for a bit. There is no doubt Musburger knows that Hughes (pictured left) played for St. Johns/Northwestern Military School. But the skills he brings to the table do not come from there. He may have honed some skills there, but he learned the game playing playground ball in Queens, and Queens is still his home. EOSM is fairly confident that he learned more and became a better player on the playgrounds of New York City than he did in Delafield, Wisconsin. Tim Doyle of the Big Ten Network offers a good view of this over on his blog.
This is one topic area where Musburger cannot be criticized. You have to understand that all play-by-play announcers, with the assistance of their statisticians and researchers, do their best to get the information right.
We do tip our hat to you for acknowledging a superb player from a rival school, and do hope you will do the same when an Ohio State player is the subject of a question. ;-)
If you have a question you would like to see answered, please send us an email at .
Photograph courtesy of the University of Wisconsin.

This is one topic area where Musburger cannot be criticized. You have to understand that all play-by-play announcers, with the assistance of their statisticians and researchers, do their best to get the information right.
We do tip our hat to you for acknowledging a superb player from a rival school, and do hope you will do the same when an Ohio State player is the subject of a question. ;-)
If you have a question you would like to see answered, please send us an email at .
Photograph courtesy of the University of Wisconsin.