Former CBS Sports Executive Has Hand on Pulse of Sports Business

Athens, GA (Feb 5, 2008) - Former CBS Sports Senior Vice-President Rick Gentile (left) has not been quiet in the world of sports since leaving the network. In 2005, he joined the faculty of Seton Hall University as Director of the Seton Hall Sports Poll Conducted by The Sharkey Institute, and as a professor of sport management at the Stillman School. At least two of his students love the guest speakers he brings into class (and the fact that there are only papers, no tests). His background with CBS Sports, as well as with the Elias Sports Bureau, make him the perfect go to person for discussions of ratings, advertising, marketing, etc.

In the past few weeks, he has been cited in MediaPost's Marketing Daily discussion of the growth in marketing the female audience of the Super Bowl and Media Life's discussion of the 4th-quarter bargain bonanza advertisers received in this year's Super Bowl. The Seton Hall Sports Poll has looked at issues including the perception of NBA referee betting and racial biases in how Barry Bonds is viewed.

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