ESPN College GameDay Will Know They Are In A Small Town

Athens, GA (Oct 28, 2008) - Some years ago, while working in the towns of Del Rio, Midland-Odessa, and Pecos (all in Texas), we joked that you knew you were in a small town when the four star restaurant is a Pizza Hut and the locals are proud of the fact that they have a Wal-Mart. When the biggest thing in these towns is the Friday Night Lights, they get excited when people come in from the "big city".

Image courtesy of ESPN.

Of course Lubbock, Texas is somewhat bigger than those cities, but is is still a good bet that the good people of that city are still thrilled as punch that ESPN College Football GameDay is coming to Texas Tech for the first time this weekend. Now there are some chain restaurants like The Olive Garden and Applebees in the area, but the GameDay Crew might want to check out the Lubbock Restaurant Guide to find something to their liking. The might find some larrupin'1 grub.

Dallas Morning News sports media writer Barry Horn writes, how much more free publicity can Colt McCoy get than GameDay being on site for a Texas game for the 3rd time in 4 weeks? On the other hand, fans of teams rated two through six in the latest BCS standings might hoping that Texas gets pole-axed2 in this match-up. Some people might even want to tune in to see if that ole cuss3 Bobby Knight shows up on the show.

And now for a geography lesson for those who might be upset that GameDay is staying in Texas this week. For a Texan, the distance between Austin and Lubbock is almost 400 miles. That is just as far as traveling from the University of Georgia in Athens, GA to Ole Miss in Oxford, MS. While most Georgia fans would fly to the game, Texans would n0t think twice about hopping in the truck and driving up for the game.

1larrupin' - a few fingers tastier than finger-lickin' good.
2pole-axed - knocked down, smashed flat, with dramatic force.
3ole cuss -an old rascal (or galoot) who is tough and/or bad-tempered.

Source: Texas Slang/Idioms by catsarepretty

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Anonymous said…
On behalf of most Texas grads that grew up in "the big city" I would just like to say that while we may throw out a ya'll every now and then, you're going to have to find someone in their 80s to use the other words. But thanks for the stereotype. Now if ya'll will excuse me I have to go shine my boots and brush my horse.
@Bryan - Good to know you have a sense of humour;-)
