The 2008 Eye on Sports Media "Bloodshot Eyeball" Award For Best Mainstream Media Blog

Athens, GA (Jan 2, 2008) - We can never take ourselves too seriously in life, and that applies to this site as well. So why not hand out some awards that carry no weight or significance to the best stuff we think is out there? No, this is not the Oscars or even the Webbies. This is the first of the 2008 Eye on Sports Media "Bloodshot Eyeball" awards.

The first category to be honored is Best Mainstream Media Blog. While many news sites have people blogging, the best in breed has to be Neil Best's Watchdog blog. Blunt and to the point, Best allows full conversation on his blog and never takes himself too seriously. His live blogs/conversations brighten up dark days anmd help provide readers additional insights. He was almost disqualified for talking up Cornell too much, but somebody had to right?

Runner-Up: Darren Rovell's Sports Biz blog at CNBC. Unfortunately, until CNBC allows people to comment on Rovell's excellent posts, he can never win this prestigious award. Why? Because blogs are about conversations and community building, and corporate rules prevent Rovell's blog from reaching its full potential.

Has a Bit of Work to Do: Barry Horn of the Dallas Morning News can be funny and irreverent. But too often his posts are a "how about me" in efforts to drive up traffic. Who really cares when he is linked to from the main page of his own newspaper. All the good stuff he writes gets lost in the noise. In addition, he has a tendency to link to material that is copyrighted and should not be reposted.

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kzfone said…
I'll agree with Neil for Best Mainstream Media Blog. I'm glad he's still blogging and he's very good.

My runner-up would be Tom Hoffarth's Farther Off the Wall blog for the Los Angeles Daily News. He's always on top of what's going on in SoCal. And he allows comments.
Arthur said…
I would like to congratulate Neil Best for this honor. He is an excellent blogger one of the few people in the "traditional media" who gets it.
