Deadspin Can Apologize, But They Gained From Erin Andrews

The folks over at Deadspin, well Will Leitch specifically, sort of apologized for the things they have written and said about Erin Andrews. But they are no dummies. Like mainstream media, they know that sex and scandal sells, draws traffic, and raises visits. The eruption of the scandal involving the Erin Andrews video last week more than tripled their normal traffic.

Here are some interesting stats from Quantcast.

Deadspin's Numbers for "All Time"

Deadspin's Numbers for the Last Month

Deadspin's Numbers for the Last Week

The numbers don't lie. They clearly benefited from the attention.

I do not necessarily agree with Jason Whitlock's recent column saying the whole Andrews uproar is only happening because she is white, but generally their audience is predominantly white. But Jason needs to look at the fact that over 50% of measured Deadspin readers from the United States on July 21, 2009 were African-American, far above the normal 7% that visit the site:

So what are their normal demographics? They get the greatly desired male, 18-49 year old segment that is educated and has money.

Again from Quantcast:

In the end, the web is as much about hits as television is about ratings.

Posted July 25, 2009

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