Tiger Woods Lowlight Reel From ESPN

Tiger is gone. Maybe in more ways than one this year. But The Open Championship (aka the British Open) is still a compelling event to watch on TV. 59 year old Tom Watson in the lead. 49 year old Mark Calcavecchia right behind.

I am not sure who I want to cheer for. Do I go for Watson because it would be an awesome story, or Cal for sentimental reasons (I caddied for Cal at the 1982 Westchester Classic. We missed the cut by a mile)? Of course anyone who only goes there for the beer deserves support!

Image from ESPN Highlights (circles added)

But back to the story of the day, the hour, the weekend. Tiger was 7 over in a stretch of 6 holes, the first time he has done that in his career.

So enough talking. Here is the today's highlight video from ESPN.

Related Link(s)

The Open Championship

Posted July 17, 2009

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