Arrest Made: An arrest has been made in the Erin Andrews Peeping Tom Investigation
The news came across the laptop screen while sitting and talking with Verne Lundquist's long-time statistician Chuck Gardiner and a few other people a couple of hours before the kickoff of yesterday's LSU game against the University of Georgia: an arrest had been made in the Erin Andrews videotaping case.
In reading and discussing the reported story, certain parts of the story seemed to jump of the page. The biggest one was the fact that he was able to request AND obtain a room next to her's in Nashville:
Agents said they believe [Michael David] Barrett called many hotels to find out where Andrews was staying and requested a hotel room next to hers. Investigators said the eighth video was likely taken at another hotel, which Andrews couldn't identify.
and it raises some interesting questions.
Why did the hotel tell him what room she was in? Sure it is easy to call a hotel and ask someone by name, but they will never tell you a room number. Somehow, he got the hotel in Nashville to give him not only the number, but a reservation in the room next to her. It will be interesting to know what pretext he used to get the information.
Even so, the hotel employee or employees goofed big time. So their lawyers might get ready for a lawsuit from Andrews' attorneys.
The other question is what kind of security does ESPN provide to their on-air talent when they travel? This question can apply to any network. But ESPN has a security department. Granted, its main function is to provide security at remote production sites like ESPN Game Day and Monday Night Football. Will this incident force ESPN to rethink the role of this department?
Finally, why are reservations made in the name of the individuals and not Disney/ESPN? Sure, the people that travel want to accumulate their frequent stay rewards, but that can still be done when they pay on their credit card. It is an easy security step and would help deter this kind of activity in the future.
And there are many more questions that will come up, and hopefully answers that go along with them.
Andrews is getting her justice, and a man named Michael David Barret has been arrested. Hopefully the media will leave his family alone.