Tucked away in a theater out of sight of the main "hat stage" at Disney Hollywood Studios, a few "episodes" of the non-televised show were put on for fans. I joined the audience for the "episode" that included Colin Cowherd. In a shock that took place many times that day, Schwab lost! I am not convinced that he did not take a dive since one of the championship round questions was to name Heismann Trophy winners that were also in the NFL Hall of Fame. Not even Schwab offered up O.J. Simpson as an answer!
Here are some photos from the "show" that included Schwab, John Anderson, Cowherd, John Kruk, and Jim Palmer.

The Stage is Set: The 2010 ESPN the Weekend included several All-Star Editions
of "Stump the Schwab". Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

King of the Hill?: ESPN's Howie Schwab sits on the throne during an
All-Star Edition of "Stump the Schwab" during the 2010
"ESPN the Weekend". Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

Not Stuart Scott: ESPN's John Anderson,not Stuart Scott, moderated several All-Star Editions of "Stump the Schwab" during the 2010 "ESPN the Weekend." Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

It;s Not My Show?: ESPN's Colin Cowherd (2nd from left) seems to be in shock that he is only a guest on this All-Star Edition of "Stump the Schwab" during the 2010 "ESPN the Weekend." Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

Pretenders to the Throne?: Jim Palmer, Colin Cowherd, and John Kruk discuss strategy with their partners during an All-Star "Stump the Schwab" during the 2010 "ESPN the Weekend." Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

Bring on the Schwab!: Jim Palmer and his partner wait to take on Howard Schwab for the championship of the All-Star "Stump the Schwab" during the 2010 "ESPN the Weekend." Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

Benched: All John Kruk and his partner can do is sit and watch after being knocked out during an All-Star "Stump the Schwab." Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

Hockey, It Had To Be Hockey: Howie Schwab, Jim Palmer, and Palmer's playing partner look at first question of the championship Round of an All-Star "Stump the Schwab" during the 2010 "ESPN the Weekend." Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

The Agony of Defeat: Howie Schwab looks at the screen in agony, unable to close the deal in the championship round of an All-Star "Stump the Schwab" during the 2010 edition of "ESPN the Weekend." Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010

Post-Game Handshakes: Participants from an All-Star "Stump the Schwab" at the 2010 "ESPN the Weekend" mingle on stage after Jim Palmer's team beat Howie Schwab. Eye on Sports Media/The Cayuga Group, LLC/2010