Photographs Copyright 2007 by Collegiate Memorials. All Rights Reserved.
Athens, GA (Nov 14, 2007) - This is just what I want when I die: a branded casket (see story in the table below). But come to think of it, with the soaring costs of funerals these days, why not just sell casket sponsorships like NASCAR does on race cars. So when the priest/minister/
rabbi/other (select one) starts the service, it will go something like this for the person who is a big fan of NASCAR.
"We would like to welcome you to the funeral of <insert name here>, sponsored by Huddle House, the place where we go to eat after funerals we attend...:
"The opening blessing is sponsored in part of Borders Books, where we feel you should read for a lifetime..."
"The blessing of the casket is brought to you by Ash's Chimney Sweeping Services, We get the Ash out. Ask about our special cremation services".
Communion is brought to you by Little City Bread Company, unleavened breads for all occasions.
Once the casket is graveside:
"This burial is made possible by the generosity of Rick's Excavating Service. No hole is too wide or too shallow for us."
This may not be a far stretch since you know that the school's and athletic conferences will charge royalties for use of the logos.
Oh and before I forget, time for the disclaimer:
This funeral presentation has been an exclusive property of NASCAR and the Funeral home. It may not be rebroadcast, retransmitted, or reproduced in any form with the express written permission of the NASCAR ruling body or its affiliates. The presiding clergy has been selected by the deceased's family members. Any opinions expressed by the clergy does not represent the views of NASCAR, affiliate companies or the funeral home. Be sure to tune in Sunday for the Allen's Funeral Home, Inc. 500 at Meadow Grove Raceway.
ATLANTA - Die-hard Georgia sports fans who want their favorite college team included in their funeral plans may soon get the University System Board of Regents' blessing to have the team logo emblazoned on their casket. The regents agreed Tuesday to revisit a decades-old policy banning university logos on alcoholic beverages, burial items and other merchandise. The policy also keeps the logo off of sex toys, toilet seats and any item that "may cause embarrassment or ridicule to the Board of Regents or its institutions." A Macon-based company that already sells University of Georgia and Georgia Tech caskets - apparently in violation of the policy - asked for the changes. Scott Walston's Collegiate Memorials has sold a dozen Georgia Tech and UGA coffins, despite the ban. The gleaming caskets feature the respective school's logo on the inside lid. He sells and ships all over the country with dozens of school logos. Regent Donald Leeburn said he has no objections to the caskets, and urged the regents to look over all the banned items. Leeburn has run into the 1982 trademark policy before. His liquor distributing company, Georgia Crown, put out a wine bearing a UGA logo in 2004, violating the rules. The university system quickly halted sales and pulled the wine from shelves. University system officials plan to review the policy and present suggestions at an upcoming meeting. - Associated Press Published in the Athens Banner-Herald on 111407 |