Yesterday evening, Verne Lundquist of CBS Sports gave us one of those moments. In describing an outstanding run by UGA re-Shirt Freshman Knowshon Moreno, he described it as "lingerie on the field." His on-air partner, Gary Danielson, did not respond in any way. So who knows what he meant. Did he mean that the way he slipped and cut his way to big yardage reminded him of a slip, and the UGA team was wearing black jerseys for the first time in the modern era of college football? Did producer Craig Silver feed him this line or was he scratching his head himself inside the truck?

Did UGA's Black Jerseys remind Verne Lundquist of Lingerie?
Photograph Copyright 2007 by Christopher Byrne. All Rights Reserved.
Having somewhat known Verne since the 1980's, I am sure no sordid hidden meaning was intended. But just what did he mean by that statement? Too bad Bill Raftery was not there to call him on that.