Fox's Charles Davis Needed to Do His UGA Homework

Athens, GA (Jan 2. 2008) - When a network picks up games to broadcast with no prior experience with a team, you can expect some gaffes. This is the case with Fox coverage of the BCS Bowl games. Last night, Charles Davis made some mistakes in talking about UGA that will probably generate some mail from Georgia fans. No, not UGA as in the University of Georgia, but UGA as in the school mascot.

Photograph Copyright 2007 by Eye on Sports Media. All Rights Reserved.

First, the mascot's name is UGA VI, not UGA the Sixth.

Second, UGA VI did not appear in Midnightin the Garden of Good and Evil. That was his father, UGA V.

Finally, Davis said that UGA VI is owned, he THINKS, by a man named Sonny Siler. No, that is not something you think, it is something that is a fact in University of Georgia lore.

Sonny Siler
Sonny Siler, Owner of UGA VI
Photograph Copyright 2007 by Eye on Sports Media. All Rights Reserved.

So as Fox begins its 2008 BCS coverage, let's hope the more of their team did their full homework before they get on the air. It is not as if they did not have enough time.

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