Athens, GA (Jan 15, 2008) - Ah yes, January. College basketball is getting into full swing and American Idol is back on the air. A couple of years ago, former Niagara University Women's Basketball player Becky O'Donohue made it to Hollywood. It seemed like a cool, quick story, so it was posted over on my blog, The Business Controls Caddy. What I did not know was that she and her twin sister had appeared in a Maxim photo spread. All of the sudden, the blog started getting hammered with traffic, drawing a page load about every three seconds. The site was not designed for that kind of traffic, and it was brought to a screeching halt (and also crashed 29 other companies web sites on that server).
So we had to take the site down and remove some critical tracking code so that the server would not continue to crash. But it certainly did ruin my day, and I learned a lesson that day for that site: do not write about women's hoops players that are on American Idol, and also appeared in a Maxim spread. Too many people without a life will be searching for that material.
Where was Sanjaya when I needed him?! Oh wait, wrong year...