Coming up on his 69th birthday, Jack Callahan of Columbus Grove, Ohio will be attending his 15th consecutive major league baseball All-Star game Tuesday night at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, He has also attended every World Series, with the exception of 1974 and the 1994 strike year, since 1972.
"In 1972, we were on vacation in Los Angeles, and I took my wife over to see Dodger Stadium, " said Mr. Callahan. There was some kind of mobile home show going on and nobody could get in. The guard looked down at my Ohio license plate and asked if I would interested in going to the World Series [Cincinnati was playing up in Oakloand at the time]. I said sure, so he called someone, who then walk out with tickets and we bought them."

68- Year old Jack Callahan of Ohio has attended every All-Star Game since 1993, and every World Series, except for two, since 1972.
His favorite All-Star game? "It has to be the game in Milwaukee that ended up in a tie," Callahan recalls. "Everybody was so angry they were throwing their seat cushions and beer bottles on the field. We kept our seat cushions though."

Lifelong baseball fans Pat Camille, Scott Johnson, and Kevin Horne met through their passion for collecting baseball autographs.
Elsewhere in the lobby, 3 friends have been sitting all day, awaiting players and all-time greats to start their migration in for the festivities so that they can continue their tradition of collecting autographs at various games and events. Pat Camille, a 43-year old fan from Williamsport, PA, has been collecting autographs since 1974. This is his first All-Start game. Siting nearby is 16-year old Kevin Horne of Williamsport, who has been collecting autographs since the age of 10, and 22-year old Scott Johnson from Charlotte, NC who has also been collecting autographs since the age of 10. Their passion for baseball is evident, and it is nice to see this pure passion still survives in this Bud Selig managed era of baseball.
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