Bill Pidto Gone from ESPN

Athens, GA (Aug 13, 2008) - The logs for this site showed up an interesting Google search the other day: "Bill Pidto Leaving ESPN". Thought this was strange, so an inquiry was sent to ESPN. A spokesperson simply said "Bill no longer works for us". We have followed up with an inquiry as to when this happened, and if they can say where he went to. After 15 years at ESPN, this is somewhat surprising to me. Will update as more is found out.

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Two Buck Toll said…
Bill can heard on "The B-Team", on Sirius XM Radio's "Mad Dog Radio" channel, Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm ET. He co-hosts this show with Bruce Murray. I have always been a fan of Bill's and I really like this show. It is nice to get to hear more of Bill's opinions and personality.
