Reader E-Mail: Has Westwood One Dumped Bob Trumpy From NFL Games?

Athens, GA (Sept 5, 2008) - We at Eye on Sports Media (EOSM) like to share reader e-mail we receive for investigation, comment and/or discussion (anonymized unless we have the sender's permission). We received this email last night:

As one of those peculiar fans who enjoys hearing sporting events on the radio at least equally with watching, do you know why Bob Trumpy has been removed from the 2008 Westwood One broadcasting assignments?


A very good question that has not come up anywhere that I can find. If you visit the Westwood One web site, you will still see Trumpy listed for the Sunday Night Football package:

However, in their September 2, 2008 press release, Trumpy is conspicuously absent from ANY of the broadcast teams. We sent an inquiry to Westwood One, and the terse one-line reply was "No comment at this time." We then sent a follow up question for a yes or no answer if he is off coverage this year, and again we received this short reply:

Our announcer lineup can be seen on the press release that I sent out on Monday. I have attached it for your convenience.

Again a totally useless answer, as it was the press release and your email that drove the question. So we do not know if Trumpy retired on his own or was let go, and unless he comes out and says why, we may noever know the real answer. At 63 years old, Trumpy worked for Westwood One from 2000-2004 and 2006 though last season. So whatever the reason, we wish Trumpy well in the future.

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