IBM Needs to Keep All Masters Tournament Data Current

IBM and The Masters have been partners for years. Way back in the mid-1990's, IBM was offering online Masters content well before any other sport event could think beyond static text content for their web sites. And each year, it has gotten better and better, and cooler and cooler.

But sometimes the simplest data goofs get lost in the overall infrastructure and presentation. This was made abundantly clear today on Amen Corner Live. The coverage started at 10:45 AM ET, yet they never took out the preview message that "Amen Corner coverage begins Thursday appx 10:45 am.":

The problem with not taking it out of the stream? It was repeated continuously in the ticker scoreboard. This made it difficult to read the scores without interruption. It is like being invited to a wedding or party that occurred yesterday.

It is such a simple thing IBM. The overall product is so good, can't you get this simple thing right? Or were the people responsible for that laid off in the recent cutbacks?

Posted on April 9, 2009

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