FSN South to Facebook Fans: Play Nice All Y'All!

FSN South has laid down some rules for participation on their Facebook page. If only some of the bigger (and smaller) bloggers would adopt the same rules, people in mainstream media would be less critical.

Oh and these rules have always been the rules on this site and our other publication (The Business Controls Caddy). In fact, I edited out crude language when citing Will Leitch's Deadspin posting yesterday.

I would rather sacrifice traffic volume and ad revenue than use offensive language and questionable photos (i.e. nude and bikini clad girls).

Here are the rules posted by FSN South.

How to Play by the Rules

Hey fans! We want the Fox Sports South and SportSouth page to be a fun page to be a fun place for all fans to show their team spirit, voice opinions and interact with the people from FOX Sports South and SportSouth who are bringing you the games. Below we’ve listed a few guidelines for our page that should help keep things clean and friendly.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Well, not really. Opinions and comments about what’s happening on the field or court, good or bad, are great. However, personal attacks against other fans aren’t okay.

Would you kiss your grandmother with that mouth?

We want all of our fans to feel comfortable viewing our page and taking part in discussion. If you have to use offensive or harassing language to get your point across, then we have a problem.

Offensive = Banning

If you can’t play nice with the other kids, we’ll have to put you in time-out. That means you’ll be banned from participating in any discussions.

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