Photo Gallery: Presidential First Pitches

So President Barack Obama is going to throw out the first pitch at tonight's Major League Baseball All-Star Game, being broadcast on Fox Sports. He will not be the first, and he will not be the last.

Here are some photos of some Presidential first pitches over the years.

1916 Opening Game: President Woodrow Wilson throws
the first pitch for the 1916 season opener.

1962 All-Star Game (July 10, 1962, the the last year of multiple All-Star Games): President Kennedy attends the 32nd All-Star Baseball Game, throws out first ball. Speaker of the House John W. McCormack, Dave Powers, Vice President Johnson, President Kennedy, Commisioner of Baseball Ford. C. Frick, Lawrence O'Brien, others ( in foreground- Dennis Marcel, Frank Brown, members of the Washington Boys Club ). Washington, D.C., D.C. Stadium

April 7, 1969: President Richard Nixon tossing out baseball, at Washington Senators' opening game with New York in Washington, D.C.

2001 World Series (Oct 30, 2001): President George W. Bush
throws out the first pitch during game three of the World Series game
between the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Yankees at
Yankee Stadium Oct. 30, 2001. White House Photo.

April 14, 2005: President George W. Bush throws out the opening pitch of the Washington DC Nationals home opener at RFK Stadium in Washington DC on Thursday April 14 2005. Photo: Paul Morse, White House

Related Link(s)

The First Pitch Is a Presidential Perk (Benjamin Hoffman, New York Times)

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