ESPN's College GameDay To Televise From UGA Honors Community Quad

Athens, GA (Sept 23, 2008) - The tailgaters at the University of Georgia may be a bit perturbed this Saturday, as it has been decided that ESPN's College GameDay will be televised live from UGA's Honors Residential Community quad from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The quad is located between the Myers, Rutherford, Mary Lyndon and Soule dormitories on the UGA campus. UGA is saying it is approximately 250 yards from the stadium, but they may need a new measuring tape. It is indeed a wee bit further that 250 yards away. In fact, the stadium cannot even be seen from the quad.

Due to the staging of GameDay, the quad will not be available for tailgaters to set up prior to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Approximately half of the quad will be utilized by ESPN throughout Saturday. The remaining 50 percent will return to its traditional usage on game Saturdays beginning at 1:00 p.m. So unlike when CSTV (now CBS College Sports) brought their pre-game show to the same quad last November, tailgaters are being told not to show up until 1:00 PM, or not even at all.

Security will begin to allow spectators into a barricaded section behind the GameDay set beginning at 7:00 a.m. Once filled, additional spectators will be allowed in additional areas behind the set, which will feature the Myers dorm as its backdrop.

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