Networks Aired Over 20 Man, Um Person, Years of Sports Event Coverage in 2009

Imagine your full time job was to do nothing but watch every sporting event covered by every network in a calendar year. OK stop now before you explode with glee. You just couldn't do it because you would have to cram over 20 years of your work life into a single year. That's right, in a report issued by The Nielsen Company entitled “The Changing Face of Sports Media”, the national broadcast and cable networks provided over 43,000 hours of live event coverage in 2009.

“The data reveal that we are living in an incredible time for sports consumption,” said Stephen Master, VP of Nielsen Sports. “Leagues have used websites, social networks, and smartphones to create a virtual sports bar for fan dialogue to help the buzz surrounding major televised sporting events.”

You can download “The Changing Face of Sports Media”, which includes a breakdown of TV, online, advertising statistics for each major sport, from The Nielsen Company.

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