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Call for Nominations:Think You Are Ready to Cowboy Up For The 2009 Bloodshot Eyeball Awards?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 , Posted by Christopher Byrne at 2:07 PM, under

It is that time of the year. No, not Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa. It is time to start putting together the nominees and winners for the 2009 Bloodshot Eyeball Awards. We did not know this would happen when the idea came to mind last year, but the 2008 recipients were very flattered to be recognized. One winner ran a story about it on their web site, and one runner-up said the fact that he was the runner up was part of his nomination package that led to his being named one of the "Forty Under 40" success stories in his city!

Last year awards were given out to West Point for the Best College SID Blog, Fang's Bites for the Best Sports Media News Recap Blog, and Neil Best for the Best Mainstream Media Blog. We wanted to give out more, but ran out of time because of work conflicts.

So what about this year? The big thing is that the awardee/honoree list is going to be expanded in ways you may not expect. In addition to the virtual trophy pictured on the left, the winners will receive a PDF copy of a certificate, suitable for framing, recognizing their achievement. Unfortunately, there is no budget for the unique virtual trophy. But if there is enough demand, we might make special ones made aavailable for order, and they will be much cheaper to buy than copies of the EMMY statuettes.

Here is how the award was described last year:
We can never take ourselves too seriously in life, and that applies to this site as well. So why not hand out some awards that carry no weight or significance to the best stuff we think is out there? No, this is not the Oscars or even the Webbies. This is the first of the 2008 Eye on Sports Media "Bloodshot Eyeball" awards.

 Some awardees/honorees have already been identified, but it is still not too late for you or your organization to be recognized. Sadly, Neil Best cannot be honored this year as Newsday has taken his excellent site behind a pay to view wall. So that category is wide open (Barry Horn, this may be your year!).

So if you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for consideration, send us an email at, and tell us in 100 words or less what/who you are nominating, and why they are being nominated.

Any web sites, twitterers, or other online tools nominated must be free of profanity and/or questionable content/pictures. The owners of the sites and/or tools must be clearly identified with contact information ON THE SITES, and there must be a privacy policy clearly linked on the site.

Other than that, there are no other rules (although we reserve the right to change that at our whim), There will be no limits on categories. If you submit something we like and there is no category, we will create one!

Thanks and good luck to all!

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